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  1. I didn't understand the hype for Zoe, but after this performance she won me 100%, it's what I was waiting to hear from her.
  2. I'm sorry but Chance's face after Alyssa's performance is the face of someone who didn't give a f if she ate the way she did, becuase he knew he was going to pick Rletto even if he flopped
  3. I would love Makenna to sing Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan tbh
  4. Idk I think the only one I'm like 100% sure will advance to the top 12 is Nathan, John adores him, and imo, he's by far the best contestant rn, and criminally underrated here lmao I think the top 12 will look something like this: John: Nathan - Confident in Gene Zoe/Bryan Reba: Asher - Confident in Josh L Dan & Shay: Anya Karen Tae? Chance: RLetto - Confident in Maddi Serenity and Val as the 13th surprise contestant
  5. I love that he didn't even need to oversing a lot, love hearing his low range
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